Monday, November 21, 2011


So i got a little behind on what im thankful for.. so what? im thankful for lots of things! My parents went to Hawaii this last week. SOOOO. Molly and Todd, Grandma and Grandpa, and Lizzie all came over! we had a good time. Molly and i got food, took a few drives, played JUST DANCE 3 and the usual junk.

Thursday Ashlyn C., Cassidy B., and i went to the new Twilight movie... DONT SEE IT. gross, cheezy and TOTALLY not worth it. But hey, it was fun anyways! countdown to Hunger Games anyone?

Friday, My bestie Matthew Chad had a rockin dance party. ANNNND Cassidy and i partied hard all night long. literally.

Saturday came along and after a day with the family and Grandma and Gramps, I went on a date with Austin Turley! I met Austin sophomore year and we were friends instantly! He is such a great guy and i totally had a blast. Anddddd the best part... MADELEINE WAS THERE. i love that girl.
The girlies<3 we had fun adventures... :) 

My Junior best friend<3

Thats all for now! so excited for thanksgiving and FOOOOOOOOOOD.
and hopefully hanging out with Markkk from Utah! life is good.

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