Sunday, July 10, 2011

Utah July 2011

Utah is always a pleasure. Spending time with my cute family is always a joy. Being with my best friend all week is the BEST. Witney and i spent the week...
Eating Out. (costa, red mango, in-n-out, wendys, snow shack, taco amigo, ihop, magelbys fresh, spaghetti factory, gandolfos, BYU creamery, Happy sumo, Orange Leaf) A LOT

Making Balloon Boyfriends
Running a 5k
Taking pictures
Watching Teen Mom
Going on Blind dates
Finding an ARC
Going to church
Meeting up with friends
 Utah, thank you for your good memories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are my chancho, and we will be sisters forever. Thank you for coming down to play with me! Our time together is always memorable, and I love love love you so much! I'll be out there soon.
Until next time,