Christmas is great! i love it! on the 23 i went and spent the night at grandma's with molly and todd, so so so much fun! i love hanging out with them. My new favortie movie is Home Alone... so funny. Then on the 24, grama and grandpa and liz and ryan spent the night. This year i slept in til 9. thats a first for me on christmas! the rest of the kids were up by 6. The 4 oldest kids got ipod touches and vans and we all LOVE them. I also got a new bed! We have to go to a different store to pick it up but it looks great! Basketball practice at 7am all week...
Happy New Years Eve!!
Holy crap, Ally. You look beautiful in these pictures! Your dad is in serious trouble with you, sister!
ALLY! This is Kaitlyn (from 7th grade! haha) And I found your blog. hooray! Well, I just wanted to say, you are so adorable! Everyone back in Utah misses you so much! I am glad you had a great Christmas.
love kaitlyn
Wow a new bed and an ipod touch! You must of been a very good girl this year! Lets see the bed when you get it!
Hey! You are so cute! Your christmas looked like it was fun!! Well happy new year!!
Kevin, I don't want to see you for the rest of the night. Well I don't want to see you for the rest of my WHOLE LIFE! Hahahaha love you Ally Cakes! My adopted daughter hahah
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